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Kimberly Parker

Instagram仍然是网上与客户联系的最热门地点之一--如果你有好的Instagram帖子创意的话。 甚至Z世代仍然认为Instagram很酷。 研究表明,大多数人喜欢它而不是其他平台--这包括TikTok。



为了获得灵感,你可以看看SMMExpert自己的社会媒体颁奖节目《冰箱里的价值》。 这里是第三集,一家银行做了一些代际间的神话破译。

或者继续阅读,看看我们为企业提供的20个Instagram帖子创意的有用清单。 当你想点燃创意的火花时,你会想把这个页面收藏起来。


Kimberly Parker is a seasoned digital marketing professional with over 10 years of experience in the industry. As the founder of her own social media marketing agency, she has helped numerous businesses across various industries establish and grow their online presence through effective social media strategies. Kimberly is also a prolific writer, having contributed articles on social media and digital marketing to several reputable publications. In her free time, she loves to experiment with new recipes in the kitchen and go on long walks with her dog.